Where to go? What to see?
After being completely lost in Budapest on our first night, Karoline and I decided to slow things down a bit for the following day. During breakfast – where we embarrassingly enough almost inhaled some amazing Hungarian pancakes – we agreed on something that might slightly resemble an actual plan. You see, Budapest is utterly gorgeous, no doubt about that, but we found it a bit challenging to cope with the distances – most of the must-see places are spread out on opposite sides of town. Should you get a taxi? Should you find your way around the bus or tram system?
I would definitely recommend a taxi, it’s incredibly cheap. However, Karoline got chatted up by a self-declared Tunisian sex machine who was selling tickets for the Hop on/Hop off bus tours. And suddenly we were standing at a bus stop with two full-day tickets. Anyways, it was cheap, and the bus was obviously headed in the same direction. But hey, you should get a taxi. You really should.
So, armed with (some slightly shady) bus tickets we were finally ready to discover the beauty of Budapest. So what is worth seeing, you might ask? Well, don’t worry – here is my list of top 3 tourist traps in Budapest!
Heroes’ Square
Heroes’ Square (Hősök tere) is one of the biggest squares in Budapest, situated at the very end of the busy main street Andrassy Avenue. Here you will find a monument dedicated to the seven leaders of the Magyars (the seven Hungarian tribe leaders under the realm of Emperor Constantine in the Byzantine Era, for those of you that know your ancient history).
Szechenyi Baths
Only a short walk from Heroes’ Square, you will find one of the most famous bath houses in Budapest – Szechenyi. Unfortunately, Karoline had left her swimwear at home, so we never got the chance to try it. On the other hand, this can only mean that we have to go back, right?!
Anyways, it is incredibly beautiful. And the perfect way to relax a wee bit, eh?
Fisherman’s Bastion
On the complete opposite side of town, you will find the impressive Fisherman’s Bastion. On a sunny day you can admire the sight of the world-famous Hungarian parliament. However, on a foggy day you can pretend that you are a character in Game of Thrones! That is a win-win situation if you ask me!
But hey, these are far from the only places you should check out in Budapest. As I have previously mentioned, Both Buda Castle, the Parliament and St. Stephen’s Basilica are well worth a visit as well!
Have you ever been to Budapest? What are your favourite tourist traps?
Ha! It does look like the North wall!
It does! We spent hours searching for Jon Snow!
Budapest er jo fantastisk vakker på denne årstiden også, kanskje enda mer mystisk! Jeg håper dere fikk testet ut noen gode restauranter, for Budapest er en stor favoritt hos meg når det kommer til restauranter!
Ja, maten i Budapest var virkelig helt fantastisk! Vi rullet vel omtrent tilbake til flyplassen – virkelig nydelig!
Haha, jeg brukte også hop-on-hop-off-buss i Budapest! Litt stress å passe tiden for å rekke bussen hele tiden, men vi gikk mellom noen av stoppene, og fikk i hvert fall sett det vi ville se.
Budapestfavorittene mine har jeg skrevet om her: http://glimtavverden.com/tre-ulike-perspektiver-pa-vakre-budapest/
Haha, godt vi er flere i samme båt! Vel, det er i hvert fall en billig måte å komme seg rundt i byen på… Nydelig bilder fra innlegget ditt om Budapest – så rart å se byen uten tåke!
Favorittstedet mitt i Budapest tror jeg måtte være Fiskerbastionen! Spesielt og eventyraktig arkitektur, og sinnsykt flott utsikt. Synd med tåka, men den gjorde nok stemningen ganske spesiell (ser sånn ut!) ;D Jeg fikk heller ikke testet ut badene… Better be a next time!
Ja, Fiskerbastionen var utrolig flott – selv i tåke :) Ja, jeg planlegger allerede å dra tilbake, men denne gangen skal jeg fokusere på badene haha :)